Fire Revolution Series 2 第ニ弾 理の発動 (Kotowari no Hatsudou) Movement of Justice

    These are the trading cards from the second released series, 理の発動 [Kotowari no Hatsudou].  These cards are from the first through the seventh Fire Emblem games.  I will explain the kanji at a later point when I have time.  All of the cards are shown on this page, along with scans of the box and inserts for this series.  This may make the page take a while to load.

There are a total of 74 Cards: 24 Regular Cards, 24 Uncommon Cards, 23 Rare Cards, 2 Box Cards
Note: card 2-064 was left out of the printing of series 2 so it can be found in the series 3 packs

The rarity is based on the number of stars shown on the card (** = rare, *=uncommon, no stars = common)

Translated checklist Word format         'Official' Checklist html

Unit Cards (1-37)

1 Eliwood 2 Ninian 3 Athos 4 Oswin 5 Kent 6 Farina 7 Canas 8 Renault
Posted Image
9 Lloyd 10 Sonya 11 Ursula 12 Sue 13 Ellen 14 Borsu 15 Oujay 16 Thany
17 Treck 18 Hugh 19 Garrett  20 Dieck 21 Chad 22 Clarine 23 Douglass 24 Bartor
25 Zeiss  26 Gonzalaz 27 Battle Dragon 28 Kassim 29 Roche 30 Maria 31 Ellerean 32 Holyn
33 Ares 34 Claude 35 Galzus 36 Linnoan 37 Ishtar

Buki Cards (38-43)

38 Durandal 39 Long, Two-handed Sword 40 Spear of  Penetration 41 Short Lance 42 Dragon Axe 43 Chief Bow

Mahou Cards (44-48)

44 Aircalibur 45 Divine 46 Purge 47 Nosferatu 48 Eclipse

Item Cards (49-52)

49 Chipped Sword 50 Broken Arrow 51 Decayed Magic 52 Red Jewel

Surprise Cards (53-71)

53 [Principle] 
Protection (Attribute)
54 [Thunder] Protection
55 [Principle] Support
56 [Thunder] Support
57 Fire power
58 Ninisu Protection
59 Moonlight Sword
60 Ambush
61 Energy Ring 62 Speed Wing 63 Medicine 64 Recovering from 
a hopeless situation
65 National Power
66 Repair 
67 Leg Ring 68 Broken Ring
69 Weapon Destruction 70 Vanish Magic 71 Item Loss

Tochi Cards (72)

72 Broken Wall/Barrier

Series 2 Box, Pack, Inserts, and Box cards (and card back)

PR019 Hector PR025 Shiva Card back 'Box' 'Box' back Pack wraper wraper
wraper wraper Play mats 1st run had 2 half mats newer mat

Manual Scans

1st print rules