Last updated on October 25, 2010
I'll be adding a donate to download section for super rare/expensive book scans (I had to go out and by a new scanner...and because very little was donated, I'm going to have to put some of the scans up this way), but don't worry, most of the scans will still be free to download. Currently $10 donated towards the scanner and more books to scan.
I have acquired a lot of settei over the years and would like to make them available in an inexpensive manner for everyone. They are extremely expensive and rare outside of Japan, so this will allow any one who would like a copy of them, to be able to afford to actually have a few. For those who do not know, settei are a collection of concept sketches that animator use when drawing cels for animated features. The animators usually only get a 'copy' set, so it is extremely hard to find originals (I actually have a few...). Most settei out there are Xerox copies or reproduced material collection books (though some, like the sailor moon ones, also come on stapled pads). I am in the process of making HQ copies of the settei I have for people to be able to order them.
NOTE: There are some books that I'll not be scanning. There are several
reasons for this. The 5 sailormoon books are hardcover, so they are hard to
scann in. Not only that, but there are tons of pictures from these books out
there (goto Manga Style for those scans).
The 3 illistration books of CCS will not be scanned in ever. CLAMP has
asked that their artwork not be put on the web. I will not scan any of the
manga artwork by CLAMP, so please don't ask. The game books just have the
pictures scanned in from them and not the game data . I may scan in the
Doushinji and manga if I can get some translators.
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