Fire Emblem Series 1 [ファイアーエムブレム 第1弾]

    These are the trading cards from the first released series, which is the only series that does not have a name.  These cards are all from the fourth game, Seisen no Kefiu.  The title is simply 'Fire Emblem series 1'.  All of the cards are shown on this page, along with scans of the box and inserts for this series.  It was released on August 3, 2001. This may make the page take a while to load.  Once I finish scanning in the Cipher cards, I will come back and rescan these cards in 600DPI.

There are a total of 204 Cards: 74 Regular Cards, 68 Uncommon Cards, 50 Rare Cards, 12 Rare Conquer Cards (制圧) (1-12)
[Conquer cards can only be found in the starter kit decks, and only one comes in each deck]

The rarity is based on the number of stars shown on the card (** = rare, *=uncommon, no stars = common)
List of what some of the kanji means on the cards:

Unit   ユニット
Buki   武器 = weapon
Mahou   魔法 = magic
Surprise  サプライズ 
Tochi  土地 = land
Sword  剣
Spear  槍
Thunder  雷
Wind  風
Dark  闇
Light  光

Translated checklist Word format        Official Checklist html (the official page is gone, does anyone have a copy of the list?)
Series 1 compete card set download:  Tripod (rar)    Full series 1 download (includes the box and inserts)  
Series 1 Manual download: Tripod (rar)  (also found in the full series download)

Unit Cards (1-117)

1 Sigurd 2 Arvis 3 Eltosian 4 Cuan 5 Selice 6 Yurius 7 Trabant  8 Trabant
9 Sigurd 10 Arvis 11 Selice 12 Yurius 13 Tiltyu 14 Claude 15 Lex  16 Azel
17 Edin 18 Lachesis 19 Eve  20 Eva 21 Alva  22 Ayra 23 Ethlin 24 Finn
25 Deadora 26 Jamka 27 Levin 28 Midayle 29 Alec 30 Adan 31 Noish 32 Fury
33 Mahnya 34 Deet’var  35 Pamela  36 Beowolf  37 Deu 38 Holyn 39 Bridget 40 Sylvia
41 Oifaye 42 Shanan 43 Lief 44 Finn 45 Ares 46 Yuria 47 Areone 48 Altena
49 Hannibal  50 Johan 51 Johalva 52 Sukasaha 53 Lakche 54 Lester 55 Rana 56 Delmud 
57 Nana 58 Sety 59 Fee 60 Arthur 61 Tinny 62 Faval 63 Patty 64 Lynn
65 Couple 66 Roddlevan 67 Radney  68 Dimna 69 Mana 70 Tristan  71 Janne 72 Hawk
73 Femina 74 Amid  75 Linda  76 Asaello  77 Daisy 78 Laylea  79 Sharlow 80 Ishtar 
81 Manfroy 82 Diadora 83 Yuria 84 Gandolf  85 Kinbois 86 Langobalt 87 Danan 88 Burian
89 Ishtore 90 Aida 91 Social Knight 92 Axe Knight 93 Lance Knight 94 Archer Knight 95 Troubadour  96 Free Knight
97 Pegasus Knight 98 Dragon Knight  99 Sword Armor 100 Armor   101 Axe Armor 102 Bow Armor 103 Sword Knight 104 Axe Knight
105 Bow Fighter 106 Fire Mage 107 Thunder Mage 108 Wind Mage 109 Priest (male) 110 Priest (female) 111 Dark Mage 112 Dark bishop
113 Thief  114 Dancer 115 Barbarian 116 Mountain thief  117 Pirate

Buki Cards (118-143)

118 Sleep Sword 119 Iron Sword 120 Flame Sword 121 Steel Sword 122 Hero Sword  123 Zantetsuken 124 Silver Sword 125 Large Iron Sword
126 Large Steel Sword 127 Silver Sword 128 Iron Spear 129 Javelin 130 Knight Killer  131 Steel Spear 132 Hero Spear  133 Silver Spear 
134 Iron Axe 135 Hand Axe 136 Steel Axe 137 Hero Axe 138 Silver Axe 139 Iron Bow 140 Killer Bow 141 Steel Bow
142 Hero Bow 143 Silver Bow 

     Mahou Cards (144-157)

144 Fire 145 Elfire 146 Thunder  147 Elthunder 148 Wind 149 Elwind 150 Lightning 151 Yotsmung
152 Live staff  153 Recover staff  154 Silence staff  155 Sleep staff  156 Rest staff  157 Reserve staff

Surprise Cards (158-194)

158 Oifaye 159 Levin 160 Shanan 161 Pursue attack (skill) 162 Prayer (skill) 163 Wraith (skill) 164 Ambush (skill) 165 Large Shield (skill) 
166 Continuation (skill) 167 Critical (skill)  168 Assault (skill)  169 Shooting Star Sword 170 Moonlight Sword (skill) 171 Sun Sword (skill)   172 Alertness (skill)  173 Repair Shop
174 Land Destruction 175 Land Modification 176 Surprise ineffectiveness  177 Magic protection  178 Broken Sword 179 Broken Spear  180 Broken Axe 181 Broken Bow
182 Extinguished Magic Writing 183 Broken Staff  184 Replenishment 185 Remove Chip  186 Country’s Power Regeneration 187 Card Draw 188 Card Change  189 Live bracelet
190 Magic Ring 191 Power Ring 192 Shield ring 193 Skill Ring 194 Broken Ring

Tochi Cards (195-204)

195 Village  196 Abandoned 197 Church 198 Mountains 199 Woods 200 High Mountains 201 Desert  202 Sea
203 River  204 Flat Lands

Starter Kit and Box, Series 1 Box, Pack, and Inserts (from starter kit)

Insert A side A  Insert B side A  Insert A side B  Insert B side B Token sheet  Play mat  Mail in form side A Mail in form side B
Card Pack  Starter Kit Deck Box  Starter Kit Deck Box  back Starter Kit Deck Box  side Starter Kit Deck Box  side Starter Kit Deck Box  top Starter Kit Deck Box  bottom Box of Starter Kits top
Box of Starter Kits side Box of Starter Kits side Box of Starter Kits side Box of Starter Kits side Series 1 Box front Series 1 Box side Series 1 Box back Series 1 Box side
Series 1 Box top Series 1 Box extended

Manual Scans (from the starter kit)