Fire Emblem Seisen no Kefiu Series 2: Unmei no Kizuna - Bond of Fate

    These are the trading cards from the second released series, 運命の絆 [Umei no Kizuna].  The title is broken down into 3 kanji, and the hiragana の 'no' which is usually used to connect the kanji around it in a possessive fashion (commonly 'of').  The kanji 運 [un] can be read as luck or fortune, and the kanji 命 [mei] can be read as life, destiny, or fate.  The two when read together become unmei, which is fate or destiny.  The final kanji 絆 [kizuna] means bonds (between people), fetters, shackles or even loop.  Therefore when you put the kanji together, they become bond(s) [or shackles] of destiny [or fate].  These cards are all from the fourth game, Seisen no Kefiu.  All of the cards are shown on this page, along with scans of the box and inserts for this series.  It was released on November 30, 2001. This may make the page take a while to load.

There are a total of 142 Cards: 51 Regular Cards, 48 Uncommon Cards, 41 Rare Cards, 2 Box Cards (P001, P022)

Like the previous series, the rarity is based on the number of stars shown on the card (** = rare, *=uncommon, no stars = common)
List of what some of the kanji means on the cards:

Unit   ユニット
Buki   武器 = weapon
Mahou   魔法 = magic
Surprise  サプライズ 
Tochi  土地 = land
Sword  剣
Spear  槍
Thunder  雷
Wind  風
Dark  闇
Light  光

Translated checklist Word format        Official Checklist html (the official page is gone, does anyone have a copy of the list?)
Series 2 compete card set download: Tripod (rar)    Full series 2 download (includes the box, inserts, and RP cards) 

Unit Cards (1-72)

1 Tiltyu 2 Cluade 3 Lex 4 Azel 5 Lackesis 6 Ayra 7 Ethlin 8 Finn
9 Jamka 10 Levin 11 Midayle 12 Alec 13 Adan 14 Noish 15 Fury 16 Beowulf
17 Deu 18 Holyn 19 Bridget 20 Sylvia 21 Oifaye 22 Shanan 23 Lief  24 Ares
25 Altena 26 Hannibal 27 Johan 28 Johalva 29 Sukasaha 30 Lakche 31 Lester 32 Rana
33 Delmud 34 Nanna  35 Sety 36 Fee  37 Arthur 38 Tinny 39 Favel 40 Lynn
41 Couple 42 Rodlevan 43 Radney 44 Dimna 45 Mana 46 Tristan 47 Janne 48 Hawk
49 Femia 50 Amid  51 Linda 52 Asaello 53 Laylea 54 Sharlow 55 Byron 56 Chagal
57 Andorey 58 Reptor 59 Hilda 60 Bloom 61 Sandima 62 Ctuzof  63 Paladin 64 Forest Knight
65 Duke Knight 66 Great Knight 67 Bow Knight 68 Sword Master 69 Warrior 70 Forest 71 Sniper  72 Mage

Buki Cards (73-84)

73 Thunder Sword 74 Wind Sword 75 Light Sword 76 Earth Sword 77 Berserk Sword 78 Prayer Sword 79 Barrier Sword 80 Tsubasa Gaeshi
81 Thief Sword 82 Defense Sword 83 Small Sword 84 Small Spear

Mahou Cards (85-96)

85 Volcano 86 Tron 87 Tornado 88 Rizia 89 Aura 90 Hell 91 Libra Staff  92 Relive Staff 
93 Return Staff 94 Warp Staff  95 Rescue Staff 96 Berserk Staff

Surprise Cards (97-130)

97 Moonlight Sword (skill) 98 Assault (skill) 99 Critical (skill) 100 Continuation (skill) 101 Sun Sword (skill)  102 Wraith (skill)  103 Item shop 104 Second Hand shop 
105 Deposit 106 Fortune Teller 107 Sibling bond 

(human relations) 

108 Parent child 

love (human relations)

109 Standard of 

original kingdom (human relations)

110 Relationship discrepancy 111 Revolution  112 Reinforcement
113 Ambush  114 Prayer of Blagi 115 Supply Squad 116 Confidential  117 Critical Attack 118 Missed Strike 119 Penetrate 120 Ally Support
121 Castle Attack 122 Garrison 123 Written Willpower 124 Gate Key 125 Bridge Key  126 Return Ring 127 Speed Ring 128 Barrier Ring
129 Leg Ring  130  Recover Ring

Tochi Cards (131-140)

131 Stone Bridge 132 Drawbridge 133 Highway 134 Castle Branch 135 Castle Gate 136 Rampart 137 Lenster Kingdom 138 Silesia Kingdom
139 Verdane Kingdom 140 Isaac kingdom

Series 2 Box, Pack, Inserts, and Box cards

P001 Selice P022 Sibling Bond (human relations) Insert front Insert back Insert alternate back Card Pack Series 2 Box front Series 2 Box side
Series 2 Boxback Series 2 Box p1 Series 2 Box p22 Series 2 Box top Series 2 Box extended