Fire Emblem Ø Series 3 Souen no Kiseki Hen [スターターデッキ「蒼炎の軌跡篇」] - Trial of the Blue Flame Compilation
These are the trading cards from the third released series starter deck Souen no Kiseki Hen, which is a precompiled deck of 50 cards. There are exclusive cards that can only be found in the starter decks (S instead of B), and the rest are the same as the ones in the booster packs, but with ST at the end. These cards are all from Path of Radiance (green). The plus (+) card versions are foil cards, with all included in each deck. Additionally each starter deck comes with a hero marker card for that symbol/color.
The full-sized scans are in 600 DPI and png, so they are large files. Once I find a good place to put them, I'll have zip files to download the whole gallery at full size (~ 1480 x 2090 ish, since photobucket shrinks them as its max size is 1024x768).
Official Checklist html
Starter Deck 5 gallery download
Medallion [メダリオン]
starter deck Box and Inserts