Fire Revolution Series 2 第ニ弾 理の発動 (Kotowari no Hatsudou) Movement of Justice
These are the trading cards from the second released series, 理の発動 [Kotowari no Hatsudou]. These cards are from the first through the seventh Fire Emblem games. I will explain the kanji at a later point when I have time. All of the cards are shown on this page, along with scans of the box and inserts for this series. This may make the page take a while to load.
There are a total of 74 Cards: 24 Regular
Cards, 24 Uncommon Cards, 23 Rare Cards, 2 Box Cards
Note: card 2-064 was left out of the printing of series 2 so it can be found in
the series 3 packs
The rarity is based on the number of stars shown on the card (** = rare, *=uncommon, no stars = common)
Translated checklist Word format 'Official' Checklist html
Unit Cards (1-37)
Buki Cards (38-43)
38 Durandal | 39 Long, Two-handed Sword | 40 Spear of Penetration | 41 Short Lance | 42 Dragon Axe | 43 Chief Bow |
Mahou Cards (44-48)
Item Cards (49-52)
Surprise Cards (53-71)
Tochi Cards (72)
Series 2 Box, Pack, Inserts, and Box cards (and card back)
PR019 Hector | PR025 Shiva | Card back | 'Box' | 'Box' back | Pack | wraper | wraper |
wraper | wraper | Play mats | 1st run had 2 half mats | newer mat |
Manual Scans